
District Scheme

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Schemes related to District Program Office (DPO)

Click here to view Schemes related to District Program Office (PDF,65Kb)

Publish date: 14/09/2022
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Schemes related to District Bureau of Employment Generation, Skill Development

Click here to view Schemes related to District Bureau of Employment Generation, Skill Development(PDF,476Kb)

Publish date: 01/09/2022
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Schemes related to Election Office

Click here to view Schemes related to Election Office Pathankot.(PDF,434Kb)

Publish date: 24/08/2022
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Schemes related to Water supply Sanitation

Click here to view Schemes related to Water supply Sanitaion(PDF,1.89Mb)

Publish date: 23/08/2022
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Schemes related to Office of Market Committee Pathankot

Click here to view Schemes related to Market Market Committee Pathankot(PDF,1.22Mb)

Publish date: 22/08/2022
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Schemes related to Fishery Office

Click here to view Schemes related to Fishery Office(PDF,361 KB).

Publish date: 15/06/2018
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Schemes related to Divisional Soil Conservation Office

Click here to view Schemes elated to Divisional Soil Conservation Office(PDF,1.1 MB).

Publish date: 14/06/2018
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Schemes related to Labour conciliation office

Click here to view Schemes related to Labour conciliation office(Pdf,1.4 MB). Click here to view labour development board schemes(Pdf,262 KB). Click here to view Schemes related to Labour welfare board(Pdf,252 KB).

Publish date: 14/06/2018
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Schemes related to Horticulture Office

Click here to view Schemes related to Horticulture Office(PDF, 3.50)

Publish date: 14/06/2018
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Schemes related to Distict Education Office (Secondary)

Click here to view Schemes related to Education (Secondary)(PDF, 449 KB)

Publish date: 14/06/2018
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